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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Captivating Thought

The delivery was supposed to be here 'sometime early afternoon'. It is now 3 p.m. When does 'early afternoon' end? We've all experienced this before haven't we? Putting our life on hold for the repair man or delivery guy to show up. It's the day we get all sorts of fun offers to go somewhere or do something with someone and we have to tell them , "sorry, I'm waiting for Mr. Fixit to show up". It ruins our whole day. The waiting, the constant waiting is just to much to bear some times. In my case I've had a room torn apart with most of it's belongings in the living room, waiting......waiting.....waiting. The cat, who must be corralled for every ones protection knows something is going on. She too waits, and waits. If I have to put the room back together and wait yet another day, I will have a few choice words to say.

However, my new Bible study started last night. We are supposed to ask God each day to reveal himself to us. Today has been a perfect day for that. I'm still waiting. :-)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Don't Care

Have you noticed how nonchalantly we throw around the phrase, "I Don't Care"? I got to thinking about that the other day when it was used within a 'spiritual' mans dialogue. I have to admit I didn't appreciate his take on my situation by saying he didn't care. I mean isn't a 'spiritual' man supposed to care about my plight? Yeah, he's only human, but that's another phrase we throw around too. Saying "I Don't Care" just tells the other person one don't care, you don't have time for them, you bother them, you don't matter, whatever it is you are experiencing they don't have time for. OK, that's more than one thing but you get the point.

Not crazy about what I just said? I don't care. :-) But seriously, I do.

We should care more, life would be a bit more joyful.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One Single Valentine

*Revising an article I wrote in 2002*

As a single person, when Valentine's Day rolls around, it can be a good opportunity to do a lot of moaning and groaning. But I'll keep my whining brief. As I look back on the many Valentine's Days of my life, I sometimes think how nice it would have been to actually get some sort of endearment from someone other than my mom or a friend. Almost forty seven years on this earth and I have never received flowers or candy from anyone on Valentine's Day. But hey, it's ok. I will survive!

I did a little research of my own concerning Cupid's Day. I asked 25 single women, some friends, some people I didn't know, "what could we as singles do on Valentine's Day to make it a more special day for others?"

Whew! Touchy subject. Out of all the responses I got, only one was positive. The others were hurtful, negative responses. Valentine's Day made them miserable, vengeful, and some of them down right mean. Yikes.

Well, yes it can be depressing. Just like any other day can be if we let it. But it also tells me that we as Single Christian Women need to know this one little fact of life. IT IS OK TO BE SINGLE.

Part 2 to follow!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It's a good thing I like prunes. LOL....really I do. They are nice and sweet and good for you! But right now in my life I am in the process of being pruned by God. He is moving people, places, situations and relationships out of my life. Ok, so maybe prunes and being pruned aren't the same thing. But they are both good for you.
I am excited over what God is doing, even though it can be a lonely time. I know for a fact that this year is going to be a year of big changes for me. I will be in a new place! A year of changes ahead!!