I had a really cool thought early this morning. As I was laying on the bed, the house was quiet, no t.v. no radio. The only sounds were the thunder, the cracks of lightening, the wind and the rain pelting against the house.....and amongst all of that I could hear birds singing. Especially the cardinals.
It struck me as sort of amazing and I smiled. Here they were, these little creatures sitting somewhere in the trees during a storm singing happily. A reminder that even during the storms of life when all sorts of junk is coming against us, all we need to do is sing joyfully to remind ourselves of how temporary storms are.
If I thought about it longer I could get really philosophical and write more about it, but why ruin a good thing? :-) Simply put......."Be joyful always" 1 Thessalonians 5:16
If you are one of those who can't find anything to be joyful about, come see me, I'll tell you a few things and set you straight. :-)