Join this spunky, fifty year old single woman on a journey,as she leads you down the straight and narrow path of her life through daily thoughts, encouragement and often times humorous adventures.
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Sunday, October 31, 2010
My Scary Night
That's as scary as I want my night to be!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Furnace Blues

Friday, October 29, 2010
If They Could See Me Now
What do you do to keep warm?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Chilled to the Bone
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Fast Food Blues
What A Difference.....A Day Makes

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
It's A Hope Thing
Do you know who some of the most hopeful people are in the world today? Here's a clue. Every year since 1908 they have faithfully stood by their men patiently and eagerly waiting. Waiting with a glint in their eye and confidence in their heart that one day while they are still alive to tell the tale, one-day so that generations to come can recall the amazement of it all, the Chicago Cubs will again win a World Series.
So many things have occurred since the Cubs won a series. Radio and television were invented. Haley's Comet passed the earth, twice! Sixteen U.S. presidents were elected. Five states were admitted to the Union. Man landed on the moon, as did several home runs given up by Cub's pitchers!
Seems kind of silly to have hope in something that doesn't seem possible, but a Cub fan always speaks hope. From "this year the Cubs will go all the way" to "we'll get em next year!" We've been saying it since 1909.
We've all let those 'woe is me attitudes' slip out now and then. The thing I hear the most is, "I guess it's just my lot in life to...."and then the blank is filled in with something negative. Through certain circumstances over the past few years, I've learned to start speaking to that which I can not see yet. I try as much as possible to speak out the hope that is in my heart. And when I do, I'm breathing the air of destiny. Pretty cool huh?
For example, I have something in my heart that I feel so strongly about that when I see it, read about it, hear about it, write about it, well I just get all emotional. It's Italy. There's something about Italy that gets me all mushy. I believe one day I will go there because God has placed it in my heart so strongly. So instead of the usual, "yeah right like I'd ever get to go to Italy", I speak out the hope that is in my heart, "someday WHEN I get to Italy."
I've been thinking about this Destiny and Hope thing for quite some time now and decided it was to be my theme this month. Then just a few nights ago Kim Clement spoke the same thing that I have been feeling and the same words I have been doodling on pieces of paper.
"I found out that when I'm in the fiery furnace that's when I see the fourth man, when I'm in the lions den, that's when I hear His voice the greatest, when I"m in the pit that's when my gift is sharpened and when I'm in the prison that's when God really sharpens my sword BECAUSE He is prepraing me for something greater!"
Something greater than Pekin? How about Italy? I'd like to go go to Scotland too while your at it! How about the New York Times Best Seller List, how about the Cubs winning the World Series? You see there is always hope, with a God like ours how can there not be?