OK, it happened again. This time it was the last straw. Or maybe next to the last. For several years now I have known of something the good Lord wants me to do. I've tried to do it, but never quite made it. This time I am determined. What the heck is she talking about you ask? Well I'll tell you.
First of all let me say I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with couples. What I have problems with is how couples treat singles. I have spent most of my adult life watching couples go out together after church to dine out. I can count on one hand how many times I have been included. I know, it's just their nature to go and do together. But I have observed I'm not the only single person this happens to. Of course I'm not singled out. But maybe I'm the only one who it bothers. ?
There are other things besides dining out that couples neglect to include us singles in. Trips, movies, Bible studies, Sunday School, retreats, sitting next to us in church. For me the one thing that bugs me the most though is the after church meals. A few weeks ago while I stood talking to someone, their group was trying to decide where to go for lunch. I was told, "one day we'll take you somewhere to eat". HELLO? How about today, I like to eat every day.
I have decided lately that I am going to take those things that make me mad and sad and turn them around.
It is to every one's benefit to include us single people in their activities. Then again, do we single people want to be with all these couples?
I'm tired of not being included in 'mom groups' too. Everyone has a group.
I'm an unmarried, non parent and I want my own group. I want those couples to run into us singles at a restaurant and see how fun we can be. I want them to know we have as much to offer as they do. And we like to eat too.
And when I get my singles ministry up and running, we are going to include couples in some of our activities......some. :-)
I think I'll start a "take a single person out to eat" day.
Definition of single......unmarried, uncoupled, children welcomed....simple as that.