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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monicals and the four ladies

Beautiful day to go to an establishment and set down to eat an unhealthy meal of pizza and salad dressing. I walked in and got behind four elderly ladies, elderly meaning in their 80's. All dressed nice, wreaking of perfume and hair color that was never their own. They were looking at menus and trying to decide what to order. One even commented, 'why do they make it so hard to choose'? No maam, it's you that is making it hard! I stood, smile on my face while I waited. I was half thinking one of them would say to me, 'You go ahead honey, we haven't made up our mind yet".

My smile began to fade as they started to place their orders. One lady in particular irritated me. "Do you want any meat on your pizza"?
"Well Yeah"
"What type of meat would you like"
"Well what type do you have"

Haven't you ever had a pizza before lady?

"Would you like a salad with that and a drink?"
"No, got salad fixings at home."
" A drink?"
"Well yeah, what have you got?'

In the end they all ordered water.

I don't normally get irritated over stuff like that. They were celebrating someones birthday and out having a fun lunch. But take your perfume ladened body away from me, I want to taste my pizza not your Tabu!

Finally I placed my order and sat down. To my, hmmmm, guilt? I looked over at the women before they began to eat and to my horror they were all praying over their food! The really irritating woman was actually doing the praying.

All I could do was laugh and say, "sorry Lord, I was to into my self to even thank you for this food".

All was well, and I could taste the pizza after all.

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