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Monday, June 29, 2009 it now and move on

I was thinking about forgiveness the other day and how important it is to our sanity. I was reminded, out of the clear blue sky, about two people I knew and hung out with in my younger days. They were both older than I am and were friends of a friend but I still knew them and did things together with them all. The two women were rather close. They did things together and traveled together.

On one particular occasion they went on a trip and flew somewhere. I believe they might have been out of the country or on their way out.

The one friend needed to use the facilites, the other friend got on the plane......and the plane left with out the other friend. A real friend would have missed the flight along with the other.

They never spoke again after that incident. And just a few years ago one of them passed away. I don't believe they ever settled things, they just stopped speaking.

It's pretty simple, someone does something they shouldn't, you tell them how you feel and then you say "I forgive you", even if you don't feel like it, even if they don't ask for it. And then you move on, with or without them.

Why do we make our lives harder than we have to?

1 comment:

Janestown said...

Kids are great at forgiving, I've noticed. We could all take a lesson!