As I sit here eating an early lunch I just can't help thinking about how good God is. Last night as I was laying on the couch I was asking the Lord to find a hotel room for me for the conference. Someone I don't even know is in charge of it all and since I'm sort of a late comer with my desire to go with this group of women, I was a little nervous relying on someone else to finalize the details. So as I lay on the couch I decided to continue to trust the Lord in all of this. It was eleven p.m. and I couldn't relax so I got up and checked my e-mail. There waiting for me was a confirmation message that I had a room and would be sharing it with my friend and her mom! I can't begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to this conference. I love being around women I don't know, who knows, maybe my new best friend is in this group of women!? Maybe I will meet someone new at the conference! The possibilities are endless when God is in the midst! I quoted something Joel Osteen said the other day, 'act like it's a done deal' and so I drug out my overnight bag and my overnight cosmetic stuff and began to get it organized, after all November 6th will be here before you know it! When God puts something in your heart, act like it's a done deal even though details aren't finalized yet, what God starts, He always finishes!
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