Some of the things I've learned this week are: it's a privilege and honor to have so much alone time. Do you know how much praying you can get done when you don't have people bothering you so much? :-) My sister-in-law came out of her foot surgery with flying colors. She thought she would have to be in the hospital for 3-4 days and was worried she would have to have a procedure done that would be rather nasty. Instead she came home the very next day and did not have to have the nasty procedure done after all! Maybe the road ahead wont be so long after all I mean look at the prayer that God has already answered concerning that!
Another lifelong family friend has been in the hospital for about 2 months with aspirated pneumonia. She comes home on Tuesday!! And it is again a privilege and honor to go to her house in the next few days and get it in shape for her to come home to. Yes she has a husband but you know how men are with cleaning. :-) She and her husband helped me out when I came home from my long hospital stay all those years ago. The amazing thing is that when she came out of her 2 week coma, she was moving around and even using a pen to write. Me, I couldn't even open my eyes after an 8 day coma! But God worked in both situations in His own way to benefit us.
Another thing I've learned this week, you shouldn't eat chocolate covered peanuts for breakfast.
Join this spunky, fifty year old single woman on a journey,as she leads you down the straight and narrow path of her life through daily thoughts, encouragement and often times humorous adventures.
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Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Alone Time
Most people at some point in their lives have felt alone. By some circumstance we have been made to feel insignificant, usually by the actions of another. The past fifteen months have been rather trying for me emotional wise. The roller coaster of life has taken me up and down, though not all the way up and not all the way down!
If you have gone way back and read any of my blog you might know what I'm talking about. A certain situation in my life, deemed silly by some and unimportant by others, was real to me and caused pain.
Through it all I have done the right thing. Doesn't matter what the right thing is, just know that I have been doing it. Also know that it has been one sided. The other party hasn't been doing what is right.
I've also been trying to find new people to connect with, but every time I look around those people are slobbering all over someone else.
It's been a rather difficult year. It can be tough being a single, childless person. But I digress.
Years ago I took down some notes from a wonderful book by Charles Swindoll, "David, A Man of Passion and Destiny." Not remembering that I had taken these notes, I got out a file box the other night and started to go through some of it and there were the notes. The very first thing I read brought tears to my eyes.
"One of God's methods of training His servants is SOLITUDE. David needed to learn life's major lessons all alone before he could be trusted with responsibilities"
With a few exceptions I have been living a life of solitude for the past 15 months. I apologized to God for not putting my time of solitude to better use and have asked Him to help build my character through all of this.
It's funny though, I'm a person that enjoys being alone. I don't feel lonely though. How can I when I know the Holy Spirit is with me wherever I go?
If you have gone way back and read any of my blog you might know what I'm talking about. A certain situation in my life, deemed silly by some and unimportant by others, was real to me and caused pain.
Through it all I have done the right thing. Doesn't matter what the right thing is, just know that I have been doing it. Also know that it has been one sided. The other party hasn't been doing what is right.
I've also been trying to find new people to connect with, but every time I look around those people are slobbering all over someone else.
It's been a rather difficult year. It can be tough being a single, childless person. But I digress.
Years ago I took down some notes from a wonderful book by Charles Swindoll, "David, A Man of Passion and Destiny." Not remembering that I had taken these notes, I got out a file box the other night and started to go through some of it and there were the notes. The very first thing I read brought tears to my eyes.
"One of God's methods of training His servants is SOLITUDE. David needed to learn life's major lessons all alone before he could be trusted with responsibilities"
With a few exceptions I have been living a life of solitude for the past 15 months. I apologized to God for not putting my time of solitude to better use and have asked Him to help build my character through all of this.
It's funny though, I'm a person that enjoys being alone. I don't feel lonely though. How can I when I know the Holy Spirit is with me wherever I go?
Friday, August 21, 2009
My Day by Shmoopie T.
Hi, it's me, Shmoopie. I thought I would hop on this thing and share a bit about myself. My official name is Miss Marple, but no one ever calls me that except those poor people at the vet's office. I'm 12 years old and yes, I'm slowing down a bit. I like to eat and sleep most of the time now. I do get up and wonder around the house, lay in the bathroom window when it's sunny out or when there is action out in the back yard to view. I have to laugh. For years every time my mom tried to get me into the carrier to go for my shots, it was a horrible situation for her. She would try and try and try and there were always tears and crying from both of us. She would have to cancel the appointment because I wouldn't cooperate. Cooperate?? I'm a cat, what's up with that?
Well, guess where I have been spending most of my days and nights now these past couple of weeks? Yep, in the carrier. She put carpet in there the last time I was supposed to go for my shot and catnip on the carpet got me in there faster than anything! So after all these years of the trouble I caused her, I am now WILLINGLY sleeping in my little carrier here on the porch. Of course she sits right next to me when shes on her computer. I'm a good cat, but I do kind of like teasing her with this.
Sometimes when she goes outside I get jealous because I know she's sitting with that outdoor cat, Marco. Marco seems to be rather nice. He knows he is well taken care of. She even fixed him up a little 'hut' for when the weather is bad and the winters get cold. His owners gave up on him, said he was always getting out of the house. If I were Marco I wouldn't want to be in a house with three kids, several adults and two pit bulls, would you? Marco is much safer hanging out here. He gets fed well and is a good protector of his turf. I know my mom wishes she could let him in the house but most likely I would not tolerate it.
Well I just wanted to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. Mom is going to the big city later on to visit her favorite place, the bookstore. I'm sure I'll just be lazy and enjoy the peace and quiet. I'm much like her in that aspect.
Best Meows,
Well, guess where I have been spending most of my days and nights now these past couple of weeks? Yep, in the carrier. She put carpet in there the last time I was supposed to go for my shot and catnip on the carpet got me in there faster than anything! So after all these years of the trouble I caused her, I am now WILLINGLY sleeping in my little carrier here on the porch. Of course she sits right next to me when shes on her computer. I'm a good cat, but I do kind of like teasing her with this.
Sometimes when she goes outside I get jealous because I know she's sitting with that outdoor cat, Marco. Marco seems to be rather nice. He knows he is well taken care of. She even fixed him up a little 'hut' for when the weather is bad and the winters get cold. His owners gave up on him, said he was always getting out of the house. If I were Marco I wouldn't want to be in a house with three kids, several adults and two pit bulls, would you? Marco is much safer hanging out here. He gets fed well and is a good protector of his turf. I know my mom wishes she could let him in the house but most likely I would not tolerate it.
Well I just wanted to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. Mom is going to the big city later on to visit her favorite place, the bookstore. I'm sure I'll just be lazy and enjoy the peace and quiet. I'm much like her in that aspect.
Best Meows,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Have You Ever? Part 2 and another little thing.
I believe there is a difference between allowing and giving. God lets us go through trials and junk so that we are brought closer to Him ( hopefully). But I don't believe and never will and never have, that He gives us diseases and other crap in life. :-) A loving God, which He is, would never give something that would cause us harm. On a lighter note.......
Today I called a relative of mine an idiot because he is always 'harassing' his sister about there not being a God and I know he just does it to get her worked up. About five minutes later I regretted calling him an idiot and worried that it might get back to his mother, my sister in law. Then I thought, wait, we're all grown up adults here, I'm only calling it like I see it. ( like it is, but I digress ).
I watch to much "House"! Why do people do that to other people? Why do they insist on being jerks? Because....well I'll just keep my mouth shut. As mother used to say, "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all". My mom would really let her kids have it if she knew how they ..........well, again, my mouth is shut!
Today I called a relative of mine an idiot because he is always 'harassing' his sister about there not being a God and I know he just does it to get her worked up. About five minutes later I regretted calling him an idiot and worried that it might get back to his mother, my sister in law. Then I thought, wait, we're all grown up adults here, I'm only calling it like I see it. ( like it is, but I digress ).
I watch to much "House"! Why do people do that to other people? Why do they insist on being jerks? Because....well I'll just keep my mouth shut. As mother used to say, "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all". My mom would really let her kids have it if she knew how they ..........well, again, my mouth is shut!
Have You Ever?
Have you ever wondered why you are going through tough times? Have you ever said, "why did you do this to me God"? Well actually, God had nothing to do with giving you a disease or any other bad thing. How do I know? Because the Bible tells me so! In James 1:17 we are told that "every good and perfect gift" comes from God. Disease is not good nor is it perfect, therefore it is not from God. Very simple. We just make it harder than it has to be.
The Bible also tells us that when we are in the middle of these bad things, we are to praise Him. If you don't think you have anything worth thanking Him for, how about just telling Him how much you appreciate the rain, the sun, the moon, the starts, the mountains, the cornfields, your pets, you kids, your family....see where I'm going here?
It wasn't God who gave me an asthma attack and put me in an 8 day coma. However He did go through it with me and He was there when I came out of it and He made me stronger physically and emotionally because of it.
We did live in a perfect world until our ancestor Adam sinned against God. That means man is to blame, not God.
I like the chorus to a "Casting Crowns' song that says:
And I'll praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands for You are who You are no matter where I am and every tear I've cried You hold in your hand You never left my side and though my heart is torn I will praise You in this storm
"Hey don't blame me, it wasn't my fault" God
The Bible also tells us that when we are in the middle of these bad things, we are to praise Him. If you don't think you have anything worth thanking Him for, how about just telling Him how much you appreciate the rain, the sun, the moon, the starts, the mountains, the cornfields, your pets, you kids, your family....see where I'm going here?
It wasn't God who gave me an asthma attack and put me in an 8 day coma. However He did go through it with me and He was there when I came out of it and He made me stronger physically and emotionally because of it.
We did live in a perfect world until our ancestor Adam sinned against God. That means man is to blame, not God.
I like the chorus to a "Casting Crowns' song that says:
And I'll praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands for You are who You are no matter where I am and every tear I've cried You hold in your hand You never left my side and though my heart is torn I will praise You in this storm
"Hey don't blame me, it wasn't my fault" God
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday Ramblings
Ok, time to get captivating. LOL.....It's Wednesday, they say we may have some heavy storms this afternoon with lots of rain and maybe hail. It's been a normal week so far. Nothing dramatic or outstanding as far as I can see. However......after hearing something about my former friend last Sunday in church, I decided "enough is enough" and I called her on Monday. Go figure, she wasn't home so I left a 'just hoping you are doing ok' message. So far, no response. But hey, I did the right thing.
Let's see, anything else happen so far this week? Paid bills, ( thank you Lord for provision! ) , helped get Katelynn's hair ready for school, watched a movie I hadn't seen and glad I didn't pay money to do so! "New In Town" with Renee Zellwiger and Harry Connick Jr. ( I love Harry Connick Jr., have seen him in concert twice ). The movie was cute enough. this it? It's Wednesday and this is all I've got? LOL. After "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" there was absolutely nothing to watch on the telly so I popped in an old video of what I thought was going to be Andy Griffith episodes, turned out to be "Highlander" episodes instead. Hey, I can handle that! "I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings"! Yeah actually we are and we do, in a way.
Ok, I think I'll stop for now, maybe something captivating will happen today and I can tell everyone about it!
Remember we are all royalty, our Father is the King of Kings, therefore treat each other as such!
Let's see, anything else happen so far this week? Paid bills, ( thank you Lord for provision! ) , helped get Katelynn's hair ready for school, watched a movie I hadn't seen and glad I didn't pay money to do so! "New In Town" with Renee Zellwiger and Harry Connick Jr. ( I love Harry Connick Jr., have seen him in concert twice ). The movie was cute enough. this it? It's Wednesday and this is all I've got? LOL. After "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" there was absolutely nothing to watch on the telly so I popped in an old video of what I thought was going to be Andy Griffith episodes, turned out to be "Highlander" episodes instead. Hey, I can handle that! "I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings"! Yeah actually we are and we do, in a way.
Ok, I think I'll stop for now, maybe something captivating will happen today and I can tell everyone about it!
Remember we are all royalty, our Father is the King of Kings, therefore treat each other as such!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Have I Really Forgiven?
To answer a readers question......some people experience sudden relief when they forgive someone. For me it wasn't that way. It was a gradual thing. I told the person I forgave them and didn't stick around long enough for them to say, "forgive me for what". LOL. Actually saying the words out loud or in letter form is the thing to do. Actually the first and foremost thing to do is ask God to help you forgive. Go on about life. Distance yourself from the cause of the hurt.
I recently read or heard someone very wise say that it's easy to forgive but we very seldom ever forget.
More to come!
I recently read or heard someone very wise say that it's easy to forgive but we very seldom ever forget.
More to come!
A Start

For those of you following my blog and my latest posts on how to get over past/present hurts, please take note that the first step to doing so is you must be willing to forgive. Even if the person doesn't seem as though they are worth your forgivness, it's a must. So get yourself willing and then we'll start the process. Remember, I'm not a professional on the subject, but as my pastor likes to say "I have been there, done that and bought the t-shirt". And what better advice than that which is FREE!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Angry At God
Have you ever been angry at God? Sure you have, admit it. We tend to blame him for almost everything bad in our lives. The reason we do that? We don't know him as well as we should.
Several months ago I got mad at God. I was hurt, betrayed, sad, let down etc. etc. Because of all those emotions, I also took out my anger on Him. When it all passed I had to laugh. No, I wasn't laughing at God, I was laughing with him.
The funny part was, I could be angry at the one who hurt me and that person could be angry right back at me. We could and did exchange words and parted ways. But when I was angry at God, he was like, "it's ok, I understand, I'm ok with you being angry with me, just remember I love you and I'll wait until you get past this moment in your life, I'll be right here".
If only we would get to know Him better, deeper, more personally, as well as we know the names of our favorite celebrity. When we get the real promise of God in our lives, peace will come into our hearts and joy will be forthcoming! Just look at this promise He has made.....
Psalm 14-16 "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!" ( taken from The Message )
No better person to throw us a party than God!
Several months ago I got mad at God. I was hurt, betrayed, sad, let down etc. etc. Because of all those emotions, I also took out my anger on Him. When it all passed I had to laugh. No, I wasn't laughing at God, I was laughing with him.
The funny part was, I could be angry at the one who hurt me and that person could be angry right back at me. We could and did exchange words and parted ways. But when I was angry at God, he was like, "it's ok, I understand, I'm ok with you being angry with me, just remember I love you and I'll wait until you get past this moment in your life, I'll be right here".
If only we would get to know Him better, deeper, more personally, as well as we know the names of our favorite celebrity. When we get the real promise of God in our lives, peace will come into our hearts and joy will be forthcoming! Just look at this promise He has made.....
Psalm 14-16 "If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!" ( taken from The Message )
No better person to throw us a party than God!
Friday, August 14, 2009
My Story About My Aprons/With Picture!

I'm so excited someone left a comment about my aprons!! Someone asked how I got started collecting aprons and I can honestly say, "I have no idea". It started a few years ago, I think I probably just saw a pretty one and bought it. Then I started to really notice them. Watching "I Love Lucy" I always comment on their aprons and how I would love to get my hands on them. I like the old fashioned ones the best, from the 50's and 60's. I have nearly 100 aprons and I usually find them at antique malls and thrift stores. I really wish I could sew because I also collect patterns. I have several that I drool over and wish I could make. I don't know what it is that I like about them. I wear them too, they aren't just to look at. They remind me of simple times, when women stayed home and ran the household. That's a dream of mine. I even have aprons from different countries. This is a picture of my 'summer' housework apron. Sometimes I wear one that matches my clothes or is appropriate for the season.....yes, I know, I need to get out more!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
A Sunday Night Thought
What makes my life captivating? After seeing the new movie "Julie and Julia" I got to thinking about my own blog. I'm going to start praying that the Lord would give me something really captivating to write about. I want some followers. I want some comments. I really enjoy doing this but there has to be more to it than this. I could do a "daily life" thing but right now my daily life doesn't consist of much. The newest excitement is that I told my sister today I'm going to Wal Mart tomorrow to buy a new bucket to do some heavy duty housework soon. Her reply, "Yipee"!
Gonna sing "Come On Get Happy" and change the words to "Come on get captivating"
Gonna sing "Come On Get Happy" and change the words to "Come on get captivating"
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A funny one

I was watching an old episode of "Becker" the other day, ( the original "Dr. House" ) and he was complaining about life not being fair. He kept ranting and raving about the fact that everyone else in his anger management class had a chair but he didn't. "It's not fair, it's just not fair" he yelled. His instructor leaned forward and said, "Fair, fair? Fair is a place hogs go to win blue ribbons." It shut Becker up.
Life isn't fair, but God is good!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Got Problems?
Well it's a cool summer morning and I have enjoyed it so far by walking to Ernie's for an unhealthy breakfast. I just couldn't stand one more bowl of cereal or one more piece of whole wheat toast here at home. Do you know what I mean? There's a load of laundry in the washing machine, I'm going to get myself a much needed haircut this morning and then do a bit of shopping in Peoria with one of my sisters.
While checking my Facebook page awhile ago I got to thinking about something.Therefore I jumped on my blog to write it down for everyone to read!
I have several Facebook friends who seem to be going through a lot of difficult times. There are those who share and those who don't. I can always tell though even if they don't share that something is amiss. It's a gift I have. :-)
My human nature wants to scream, 'you aren't the only one, get over it and find something to make you happy'. But that's not the right thing to do.
One of the right things to do is to remind them, in a nice way, what the Bible says about all this. John 16:33......."I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Yes we are all going to have problems from time to time, but the wonderful promise is that God is there to give us peace about it all so that we can function in joy.
The other day a friend of mine made a comment about loosing her joy for the day......she then responded, 'nevermind, I found it again....I counted my blessings'.
Know that there is always one person worse off than you are and find a way to do something to help them. You will be amazed at how it might change your own circumstances.
While checking my Facebook page awhile ago I got to thinking about something.Therefore I jumped on my blog to write it down for everyone to read!
I have several Facebook friends who seem to be going through a lot of difficult times. There are those who share and those who don't. I can always tell though even if they don't share that something is amiss. It's a gift I have. :-)
My human nature wants to scream, 'you aren't the only one, get over it and find something to make you happy'. But that's not the right thing to do.
One of the right things to do is to remind them, in a nice way, what the Bible says about all this. John 16:33......."I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Yes we are all going to have problems from time to time, but the wonderful promise is that God is there to give us peace about it all so that we can function in joy.
The other day a friend of mine made a comment about loosing her joy for the day......she then responded, 'nevermind, I found it again....I counted my blessings'.
Know that there is always one person worse off than you are and find a way to do something to help them. You will be amazed at how it might change your own circumstances.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Have You Ever?
Have you ever wondered what your purpose in a situation is? I know what my purpose in life is, but I'm still trying to figure out my purpose in another aspect of life. Have you ever felt like you don't fit in with something yet you know you are supposed to be there for a reason? Have you ever prayed about something for more than a year and felt like you haven't gotten an answer yet? Have you ever felt small and insignificant around your peers who are or seem to be doing great things for God? If any of this, what have you done about it? Please use the 'comment' option to well, comment. Thanks
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