For those of you following my blog and my latest posts on how to get over past/present hurts, please take note that the first step to doing so is you must be willing to forgive. Even if the person doesn't seem as though they are worth your forgivness, it's a must. So get yourself willing and then we'll start the process. Remember, I'm not a professional on the subject, but as my pastor likes to say "I have been there, done that and bought the t-shirt". And what better advice than that which is FREE!!
Oh I know forgiveness is the first step, I tell my self I forgive them, but do I really? A day doesn't go by when I don't think about it, to me that means I haven't really forgiven, is that right? I pray for these women who were once friends who "loved" me and now are my enemies...
Any thoughts, tips, etc.? You're really great at this!!!
I ask God to help me to know how to forgive. it's a process ... just when you think you're over it, something pops up and you find out you still have a way to go. Forgiveness is hard because we got hurt. Hurt comes from trusting and they let us down. With God's help we can learn to trust, forgive and love again.
The longer we let the situation go without forgiving, the harder it is. It's one of those things where we are supposed to 'just do it' and move on. Like I said, it's easy to forgive, but you never really forget.
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