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Monday, August 24, 2009

Alone Time

Most people at some point in their lives have felt alone. By some circumstance we have been made to feel insignificant, usually by the actions of another. The past fifteen months have been rather trying for me emotional wise. The roller coaster of life has taken me up and down, though not all the way up and not all the way down!

If you have gone way back and read any of my blog you might know what I'm talking about. A certain situation in my life, deemed silly by some and unimportant by others, was real to me and caused pain.

Through it all I have done the right thing. Doesn't matter what the right thing is, just know that I have been doing it. Also know that it has been one sided. The other party hasn't been doing what is right.

I've also been trying to find new people to connect with, but every time I look around those people are slobbering all over someone else.

It's been a rather difficult year. It can be tough being a single, childless person. But I digress.

Years ago I took down some notes from a wonderful book by Charles Swindoll, "David, A Man of Passion and Destiny." Not remembering that I had taken these notes, I got out a file box the other night and started to go through some of it and there were the notes. The very first thing I read brought tears to my eyes.

"One of God's methods of training His servants is SOLITUDE. David needed to learn life's major lessons all alone before he could be trusted with responsibilities"

With a few exceptions I have been living a life of solitude for the past 15 months. I apologized to God for not putting my time of solitude to better use and have asked Him to help build my character through all of this.

It's funny though, I'm a person that enjoys being alone. I don't feel lonely though. How can I when I know the Holy Spirit is with me wherever I go?

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