Tonight's blog post is a sounding board for my sanity.
I was reminded again today the importance of caring. First of all, not many people know the extent of the 'problem' here at home. One family member told me a couple of months ago, "I do not envy you at all". In other words, don't count on me. Another family member has not seen my sister since June 11th. Once in awhile that particular one calls to check in. But gone are the 'wanna go out to lunch' or 'need anything from the store' calls. I guess they think that because our sister is an invalid, so am I. WRONG. I still have a life and I intend on living it. Just in a limited capacity at the moment. But here's the scene. We have neighbors on each side that are in ill health, they give us fruit, veggies, company and most importantly they INSIST that if we need anything we let them know. Even if it's just the need to set and chat. And I always say to them, 'that goes for you too, if there is anything I can do, let me know and I will do it.' I also do things without being asked. Share this, share that, a friendly wave, a note, a how are you etc. That is what life is about. We have church family that call, send notes, ( granted most are for my sister and not the caregiver but I digress ) get my sister out of the house and physically in the car. They bring us meals, they do some projects for us around the house. They let us know they are praying for us and we notice a difference.
Some big changes are in the future for us. I don't want to harden my heart but I will look to and share my life and it's changes with my neighbors and church family before I do so with others.
I used to really dislike the phrase, "what goes around comes around".....but it is really true. Unfortunately some people just don't get how life is supposed to be.
Sophia Patrillo once said, "if you can't count on family, who the hell can you count on"...my answer.... everyone else.
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