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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Have you ever heard the two expressions, "I laughed all the way to the bank" or "I was so mad I screamed"? Well I've never actually laughed all the way to the bank, but I have been so mad that I screamed. Yesterday I sat down at my cafe, my food was put in front of me and my phone rang. I had to rush right back home. I felt so 'put out' again, like yet another part of my life has slipped away, angry at my circumstances and that of my sister's. We quickly boxed up my food, I left the cafe, walked out and forgot where I actually was parked. On my drive up the main road to home I was fuming. And it was at that point that I literally screamed out loud, three times. After the third time I really felt better and actually laughed a little bit. Not proud of who I have become in all of this but I'm reminded that it's only temporary.

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