The past few days have been rather bad. Wednesday started out bad and ended the same way. By Thursday I had my sister in the ER to correct a 'minor' problem. First they told us the ambulance would be there to transport her back home in 20 minutes. THREE hours later they arrived. I told them I was about ready to send the Marines out for them. That should have been three hours to myself to relax, but that didn't happen. After coming home and feeling better, we ate supper and then it all started again. Sparing any gory details let's just say I let the knot at the end of my rope come untied and slid off. It was a very emotional time in which I told my sister, she has to do something about her life. I can't do this anymore. I can't be expected to do ALL that I am doing. Neither one of us have 'quality of life' anymore and that's just not right. I have absolutely no support. People come to the house to see her, call her, visit with her, send her notes and cards and they forget that the caregiver is the one that needs most of that sort of thing. I do not want to whine. I don't want to be selfish. I don't want to feel guilty about the future. Or scared because when things change for her, they are going to change for me too. I am thankful I have a relationship with a God that has it all figured out for the good. I just hope He lets me in on the plan pretty soon. :-)
And to top it all off the three six week old kittens I have that need homes, one of them is not walking on it's back legs and it has me worried. Always something.
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