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Sunday, July 10, 2011

See What a Smile Can Get You

I had such a busy day yesterday that I decided to sleep in this morning. When I got up I decided I needed to take my journal and go to the local Starbucks for a cup of good coffee. After I drained the first cup I went up to get my .55cent refill. The clerk said, "you remind me so much of my mother in law when you smile. You walked in and smiled before you ordered and I thought I was looking at her." We chatted briefly and then she handed me my refill and said, "it's on me." Then she smiled and walked away.

I know it was only fifty five cents, but see what  a smile can get you! I sat back down, thanked the Lord for an extra shot of favor for the day, got a little tear in my eye.....and burned my tongue on the refill! Had to laugh though.

Life is fun.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Be careful what you ask for.........

This morning while I was at breakfast I was reminded of something I heard yesterday...."What's in our heart, comes out of our mouth".

I treated myself to a $4 breakfast at Denny's. The hostess sat me next to a table of "adults" and one young kid, he was probably 12 or 13. Of all the empty tables, the hostess had to set me next to these people. That's what I get for asking God to give me divine appointments!

Most of the conversation between these people was to loud and to personal for public consumption. At least I didn't want to hear it.

This poor kid got harped on so much about one thing and another. He was told he needed to grow up, start taking responsibility and quit being a mommas boy. I could just see the defeat on his face. I thought to myself, "well maybe if momma would stop pulling his head into her visible cleavage that is hanging out for the world to see, he could grow up".

And the language they used toward him and in front of him. I mean come on, who needs to grow up? These were older adults, well dressed, except maybe for momma who for a woman her size needed to be dressed a little more nicely.

Then the kid accidentally knocked over his soda, spilling it on his aunt. What happened was she sat down and he moved to make room for her and over went the glass of ice. Again producing lectures from who I think was his uncle.

I had about had it. I finally looked at them, caught the kids eye and gave him a sympathetic smile. When I did, his face lit up for the first time since I sat down.

I didn't need to say anything ( but boy did I want to ).

Maybe everything the adults were saying to the kid was true. But their tone and actions needed adjusting. You can really catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

Even hours later it is still on my mind and in my heart. I asked God to bless that kid. I should ask Him to bless the adults too with sense. :-)