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Friday, May 24, 2013


Ahhh, let us see what reflection I should start with. Definitely not the one in the mirror yet!

I turn 50 soon. For some people their age is a big problem. I have no problem with it. I am the exact age I'm supposed to be and so are you. Deal with it. :-)

Here are a few past thoughts on my life
!. I once had a huge mess of shelving fall on top of me when I was working at a retail store. It was "clean up" day in the storeroom and I was assigned the big job of making sense out of someones mayhem. The shelving missed my head and grazed my shoulder. I was spared serious injury.
2. While driving my mom's car I was behind a city bus that clipped low hanging branches of a tree sending a huge piece if it into the windshield of the car. I had to swerve to delay injury. Thankfully the city paid for the damage to the car. No damage to me.
3. In 1999 I almost died.
4. My health has been stolen from me.
5. Friends have betrayed me.
6. New friends have entered my life along with old ones I lost track of for some reason or other.

If I sat long enough I could think of a lot more but I'm due for Coffee Hour with friends!

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