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Friday, October 5, 2012

Middle of the night thoughts...........

Yes it is the middle of the night and I'm wide awake. Ok, maybe not wide, but I'm awake. Due to the fact that I was under some anethesia today during a medical procedure, I can not have any meds that cause drowsiness for 24 hours. That includes an allergy pill and I'm going bonkers without one. Itching, sneezing, blowing...well you get the picture. Even though I had a medical procedure done this morning, I had a good day. How can that be? I can only atribute it all to ghe peace of God. Without that, I would have been a slobbering idiot. And all the thanks and praise goes right back to God for the good report I got! It's cold and rainy. I'm drinking a glass of milk and counting the hours until I can take my allergy pill. Then it will make me drowsy during the day instead of night, but that's ok, I can do with a day of rest.

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