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Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Don't Care

Have you noticed how nonchalantly we throw around the phrase, "I Don't Care"? I got to thinking about that the other day when it was used within a 'spiritual' mans dialogue. I have to admit I didn't appreciate his take on my situation by saying he didn't care. I mean isn't a 'spiritual' man supposed to care about my plight? Yeah, he's only human, but that's another phrase we throw around too. Saying "I Don't Care" just tells the other person one don't care, you don't have time for them, you bother them, you don't matter, whatever it is you are experiencing they don't have time for. OK, that's more than one thing but you get the point.

Not crazy about what I just said? I don't care. :-) But seriously, I do.

We should care more, life would be a bit more joyful.

1 comment:

Karen Lange said...

Good point! Makes you think.
Have a good weekend,