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Saturday, July 27, 2013

An affair to remember....

I can breath a sigh of relief. The second hardest wedding of my life is over. I did rather well. Spoke to my friend before the ceremony. Then I got recruited to help during the reception.....actually I was told not asked....I really just wanted to be a guest.

My whole morning started out with a few circumstances. Then I found out I had to be ready to leave 90 min sooner than I had thought. No problem.

Upon showing up at the affair I was told I looked gorgeous, glowing and I believe someone told me I looked beautiful. Hey, that was my plan all along!

So I sat down and listened to the bride and groom introduce some people and when she got to the part where she introduced her bridesmaid as her "best friend" it was as though someone threw rice in my face. I suddenly turned sad. I heard a voice whisper in my ear, "that used to be you".

And so I scarfed down my food, left, came home, ate a tenderloin and onion rings, had a good cry and watched a video.

Wish I could have seen things....darn these cataracts.

Wish them well..... I think I'll elope :-)

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