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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Eye Spy Part One

Let's go down the road to surgery together and have a laugh or two.

To begin with, in order to qualify for financial aide, I had to write a letter stating how my basic monthly needs are met. I could have made anything up, but I chose to go the honest way.

I worded my letter using the words "anonymous donations from church family".

I ended up going round and round with a young woman who insisted I tell them who the donations came from because they needed to write a letter explaining their side of the story. I couldn't get through to her that I don't know who the donations come from, hence the word "anonymous".  Then she wanted a letter from the church....I said the church doesn't know who the ANONYMOUS donors are either. Then she wanted a letter from my family. WHAT? Ok chickiepoo here's the scoop. First of all my church refers to one another as family, Second of all, there was no comma in between 'church & family' in my letter. Thirdly, would you like for me to give you a Webster's dictionary so you can look up the word "anonymous"?

Twice I went through all of this with her, once on the phone and once in person. I was very nice and cheerful both times, even to the point of giggling. She wasn't amused.

FINALLY, her supervisor read letter and approved it on the spot.

Thus begins the journey. Now I wait on something else that has become somewhat comical....I'll keep you posted. LOL

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