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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturdays Edition

It's a beautiful spring day, the sun is shining the temps are rising.....and after today it's all downhill weather wise. Cold, rain, snow moving back in. I am in terrible need of disposing of my socks and shoes and wearing my sandles to show off my pink toes, oh when will that day come?!

I've been watching clips from The Passion of the Christ. And wondering why I'm doing it because my eyes fill with tears and my heart begins to pound and here I sit in CJ's. I watch and remember that what Jesus went through, He did for me. So that I may remain with Him always. Deserves more than a mere 'thanks Lord'. I love this time of year, to be reminded what it's all about. Not about a bunny, not about candy, but it is so sweet to know the tomb is empty, just as He said it would be. What a wonderful fulfilled promise!

And so I go about my day, here sits my sister. Alone time is over.

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