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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Come On Get Happy....

Hello world there's a song that we're signing, come on get happy. ( I can see David Cassidy singing that song now ) . One of my favorite quotes is by Abe Lincoln, "most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." So.............

Are you happy? Are situations around you bleak and looking bleaker? ( not sure if bleaker is a word but it sounds fun so I'll use it )

Why aren't you happy? Because this person did something and that person didn't do something? Because there's to much debt? Because the job stinks? What is on your list of excuses?

Here are a few things that make me happy. Sunshine, rain, cloudy days, lazy days, shopping with my sisters, going to bookstores, reading, writing, not arithmetic, putting on aprons, looking at postcards, studying the word of God, kids in general, my cat, other cats, watching people, eavesdropping on conversations, going to my favorite cafe, being single, being loved by God, going out to eat, going to movies.

Here are a few of my situations, I barely have an income at the moment, my house needs repaires, my yard needs attention, I might soon need a new car, I lost my best friend to a man, my health is not perfect yet.

And yet, I'm full of joy and happiness because I choose to not let life get the better of me.

So what would make you happy? What does make you happy?


Janes Family said...

Some things that make me happy: thunderstorms, food, rainbows, swimming, my husband, books, vacations, getting mail, kittens, playing with my kids, good movies, the ocean, writing, friends, blankets, fall leaves, pajamas with feet,...I could go on, but here come some people who make me happy....

Jenny said...

I forgot....I love to write and receive letters too!

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right, no matter how bad things are in my life at times, I choose to be joyful because I know that Christ has overcome it all and it's all under control with Him in the lead!

Jenny said...

Hahaha....I just noticed I said "signing" instead of 'singing', probably should be more awake when I write!