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Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Night Reminiscing

I have a frozen pizza in the oven, hopefully it will warm up the house a bit. I was just writing in my journal a bit ago and I got to thinking about how ever since I got on the national "do not call" list, my phone hardly ever rings anymore. Friends don't call much either. Is that true for you too? I remember just a few years ago I used to sit and talk on the phone with friends for sometimes an hour or more. People are busy. I once called someone I knew and asked, "are you busy"? She said yes she was and we never talked again. I guess the Internet is to blame for some of it. E-mail is nice, but human contact is even better. I ran across a quote today that goes, "Let's face it, you will always be busy forever, so don't allow your friends to be at the bottom of your 'to do' list".


Karen Lange said...

I like the quote - it's correct, there is always something to do. And then some! Thanks for sharing your thoughts:) Blessings for the weekend:)

Anonymous said...

Amen!! I can't afford to loose any friends! They are to precious and much needed, therefore I try and cultivate my friendships as much as I can. E-mail and the internet is nice but lets face it, human contact is much better. We all have the same amount of time in our days, lets set aside some of it for friends. Dish and laundry can wait.