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Monday, October 5, 2009

Once and For All

Let's just settle this once and for all, God is good! I love to listen to Joel Osteen and something he said the other night made me excited in my spirit. So the next morning I put it to use. Joel said that we should get up in the morning and look in the mirror and say "good morning you sweet, favored woman of God, blessings, get ready to follow me all day long". So that's what I did. Sunday morning I posted that on my Facebook page and took it to heart. ( that's the key, I took it to heart ). I am not going to live my life thinking, "Oh one day God will decide to bless me, one day I'll be happy, one day I'll see my dreams come to pass". Oh no, that day is today. And that's not just me saying that, that's the promise made to me in the Bible. So anyway, I posted that statement on my Facebook page and went about my morning. I sat down in my chair at church shortly after worship and put my arm around my little girl and someone put a check in my hand. I didn't look at it right away but said thank you to the person and put it in my purse. I knew what it was, and I knew why I was getting it. And I just started to cry because that was a blessing that followed me just as I told it to! Through out the day I was perky. We took the kids to lunch with us and had a nice afternoon. I came home and didn't even feel the need for that typical Sunday afternoon nap. Something was definitely different about the whole day. Life is just very exciting and very interesting these days. You can always tell when God is up to something.

1 comment:

Karen Lange said...

God is good, all the time! :)