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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Have You Ever..........

Have you ever had to make alterations in your own life in order to take care of a loved one? It can be a challenging time in every ones life but in the long run, everyone benefits from it. Right? My oldest sisters plight as of late has been having to deal with severe nerve damage and sometimes excruciating pain in one of her legs. She has been off work for nearly two weeks, using a walker to get around. She has fallen several times and sometimes taking a step over a bump or a crack in the pavement scares her. Today at six a.m. she left to try and return to work. She has gotten somewhat better. As her sometimes impatient sister and helper I suppose I will worry all day about how she is doing. I do know for a fact though that prayer has helped. God has been faithful and He always will be.

So what sort of challenges have you faced lately? I'd like to hear.


Karen Lange said...

Have had some family challenges as well. It's hard to find a balance sometimes, for we need to help, but must continue with our lives too. It's an opportunity to grow in the Lord, for me anyway. I'm building character. Either that or I am a character:)

Janes Family said...

My whole life is an alteration from my previous life. It is very challenging, but I love it. Trying to focus on Phil. 4:8. :)