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Monday, March 22, 2010

Some Thoughts

I've been sitting at the computer a little longer than I should be this morning. I said to the cat awhile ago, "why am I sitting here, I've got things I should be doing." She just looked at me and started to take yet another bath. I'm saddened by the big 'health care' vote, but I'm not giving up hope. However, God isn't going to take it lightly that we are including abortion in 'health care'. May He continue to have mercy on us all. Oh a lighter note, I'm getting a haircut today! I got one not to long ago and I'm just not happy with it, so I thought......I'm entitled to another one!

The clothes are in the dryer, the dishes have been washed, the sun is shining, the cat is sleeping in the sun and God is still on the throne! I'm content.

1 comment:

Karen Lange said...

Yes, God is still on the throne:)