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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday Happenings

"Your future is not determined by your past. But holding on to the past will keep you from moving forward"

This is a direct quote from Joel Osteen. It was Today's Word from him and was in my mailbox this morning. I got to thinking, "have I been holding on to the past?" Have I been dwelling to much on what took place over a year ago? Or has it been on my heart and mind so much in a God way? Either way I believe the words to be true. Not to long ago I finally confessed to the Lord that I had had enough of all these feelings and emotions I have over the episode that happened nearly 15 months ago. And once I really told the Lord I was through and that He could have control over the situation and my feelings, things started to happen.

Sometimes God is silent for our benefit. We just have to be willing to listen to Him in the silence. Isn't that a profound statement! :-) I'm at the stage where I'm getting goosebumps when things happen. I have once again accepted the position of Nursery Coordinator at my church. A thankless job at times but this morning when I got up and was thinking about it, I was impressed upon the fact that I'm supposed to change the fact that it is sometimes thankless. It doesn't have to be. So I move forward with that aspect of things. I was supposed to go to a luncheon yesterday with the Bloomington Christian Women's group.....I was kind of excited about that but it had to be cancelled due to someones illness. That was ok, the fact that the opportunity was there was a goosebump moment. I'm still very excited about the Beth Moore Bible study starting next week. I feel God is going to use the knowledge I gain from it in a big way! I may even be joining a Pekin Writer's Group. Who knows what will come from that!

Let go and let God. Very simple. Sometimes hard to do. But ohhhhh the benefits we reap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my own life I have often found that the best way to get away from my own issues, problems or antagonizing thoughts of the past is to get involved and get busy. I think you've already figured that out. Involving ourselves in others lives always seems to heal our own. I think God does that. So it is never "thankless". God knows what you are doing and He knows your heart. He loves you beyond what you can ever know.