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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Bird

Ok, I know we are supposed to not say bad things about the person behind the counter, after all they may be having a tough time, but still........back in the day when I worked at Walmart ( way way back ) I ......well never mind, it might lead to complaining. :-) Our Thanksgiving meat will be on the table via rotisserie chicken from Walmart. Mmmmm. Seriously, we love them. I went out to get one today and of course, they don't have the kind we like. So I had to get two little ones. TWO?? Gotta have leftovers. I have to say I am getting suggestions from all over on how to make the dressing. I've found a recipe online that is exactly what we want. Sounds easy enough. But I'm still getting 'suggestions'. "You need this, you have to do that, you need two cans of broth" Etc. Etc. Etc. I can very vividly see my mom standing over the oven making the dressing. I mean VIVIDLY. Her tired and aching body stirring the bread and having dad taste test it to see if there is enough sage in it. She mixed the dressing in the roasting pan, I don't recall her using a whole stick of butter, but that is what people tell me I have to do. Vividly, I see her still. In the kitchen. Tired and overworked. Today I know how she felt.

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