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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Frustrated....and yet...

I have been trying for nearly two hours to get on the Internet, both at home and at CJ's. What is wrong??? I can get into my favorites but that's about it, can't even check my e-mail. I don't like bringing my laptop with me when I'm working on my Bible study, it's to distracting. But I did so anyway this morning. I did have something interesting happen to me this morning. As I was sitting here with my Esther study book, some young ( younger than me ) woman came up to me and said, "is that by any chance a Beth Moore book?" I smiled and said, "yes" and she said, "is it by any chance Esther?" She got so excited. We started talking, she was also at the Beth Moore conference this past weekend! We were both giggling while we were talking about it and other people were looking at us. She was telling me that her church here in Pekin has a Tuesday night study and they will be doing Beth's new study on Revelation probably starting in February!! I asked her if they encourage women outside their church to attend and she said, "oh yes most definitely"!!! I am so excited, I will be calling her for more information in a few weeks and just look, I now have yet another opportunity to study the word of God and be in the presence of women I don't know!!!! God is really up to something!

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