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Friday, December 25, 2009

A Nice Story

I had to run to Walgreens earlier, the only place in town that is open. I needed marshmallows. There was an older lady in the same aisle looking for flour and we got to talking. They didn't have the flour she needed but another lady heard her plight and said, "I am getting ready to move and have all sorts of stuff I will just have to throw away, follow me home and I'll give you the flour". When I left, all sorts of people were in on the conversation and getting directions to the ladies house. Walgreens at that moment was the cheeriest place on earth. People visiting, laughing, spreading good will. Now why can't that happen all year long? Next time you are out and about, do something nice for someone you don't know. Be a blessing to someone. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Karen Lange said...

A friend once shared how our demeanor and kindness may be the only "Jesus" someone sees in a day. We never know what seeds we plant, what encouragement we give, etc. Love your story. Blessings and Happy New Year!