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Monday, December 7, 2009

Cell Phone Blues eight thirty this morning I was searching my purse and house for my cell phone. I used the home phone to call it so I could hear it ring. Didn't happen. So, I put on my big cozy housecoat over my pj's, slipped on my winter shoes and went outside to search the van. Even took the house phone with me to call the cell, again it didn't happen. I accidentally hit the panic button on the van and probably woke up the rest of the neighbors. Came in the house and decided I would have to call each place I went yesterday when I remembered I actually took my car out to fill up the gas tank. I treaded out in the light snow again hoping no one saw the dreaded 'bed head' of hair, being in the pj's didn't bother me. I opened my car door, used the house phone to dial the cell and I heard it ring. Yipppeee! So nice to start the day out in such a fun way! Things could be worse, we could have that six inches of snow they say is coming!

1 comment:

Karen Lange said...

What a fun early morning adventure. I can't top that one:) Unless you count the time I put the cordless house phone in my husband's sock drawer when I was putting his socks away. Then I couldn't find the phone. Took us a while to locate it nestled in among the socks...Have a good day!