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Monday, December 21, 2009


Almost two years ago my best friend did something she shouldn't have done and it broke apart our 20 year friendship. Words were said, good and bad. Apologies were made. It is now small talk, "hi, hello, how are you" type thing. But each time a little more conversation takes place. Yesterday was a bit different though. I had just put a note in her New Years Card that I will be sending next week. I stated the fact that it would be nice if we could maybe go beyond the idle "hello's" and that I was willing to do so if she felt the same. Yesterday at church I opened the Christmas card from her in which she wrote, "if you would like to talk, give me a call sometime." Then on the Elijah List I read a good article from a respected person about how in 2010 broken friendships will be mended. I say I am willing to do so. But am I? Sometimes when I think about it all my heart still hurts. Yesterday in church the kids sang "Away In A Manger" and my friend and I have a hilarious story that goes with us teaching our day care kids that song MANY years ago. As they were singing it, I looked at her and she looked at me and we both smiled over the memory. I started to cry and had to look away.

So, that's where I'm at right now. Pondering. Praying. Wondering and waiting.

Merry Christmas!


Karen Lange said...

I have a similar situation where a good friend made a choice I don't agree with (from a Biblical standpoint). I've had to step back and away, wondering how this friendship is being redefined. It's a challenge, but thankfully we can depend on God's wisdom. Will be thinking of and praying for you:)

Anonymous said...

Pondering. Praying. Wondering and waiting. ...thats a great place to be.
God has such a wonderful way of mending broken hearts, as I know He will yours.
Friendship (relationships) can be so wonderful and yet so painful.
God understands betrayal.
And, when He restores, things are always much better, and often different, than they ever were before.
Your posting was a blessing!