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Friday, October 22, 2010

Chilled to the Bone

Last night when I went to bed I was so chilled that I put on two blankets and wrapped a shawl around my head. My insides were chattering. Thankfully the cat curled up at my feet and I slipped into warm oblivion. But I woke up around three thirty and was wide awake. I had the alarm set for six because I needed to be out the door by eight. I laid there for awhile with all sorts of thoughts running through my head. I finally asked God, "why am I awake, do you have something to talk to me about?" I really never got an answer so I just laid there, turning and tossing and getting up once to feed the cat. Last time I looked at the clock it said 4:30 and I came to the conclusion that I would fall asleep just about when it was time to get up. Sure enough, I did. I may not have gotten an answer to my question I asked of God, but I was able to rest assured that I was wrapped in the warmth of His love and everything was under control. Maybe I was awake just in order to remember that.

1 comment:

Janes Family said...

That's a good way to look at it. Sometimes I look at my kids while they're sleeping and I think, "I really want to wake you up just to tell you how much I love you." Maybe that's what God is doing too. I wake up in the night quite often, and I ask God why He woke me up, and I listen, but usually don't hear anything.