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Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Scary Night

Everytime I pull in the driveway, Mamma is there to greet me. She trit trots down the steps and waits for me to get out of the car. Tonight however, she was on the sidewalk waiting. I noticed she was up to something. I left the headlights on to give me a guide to the door since I didn't leave the outside light on tonight. As I rounded the car to go up to the door I could hear it. Very faintly I heard it. Before I could get the key in the lock I told Momma, "thank you for greeting me but keep that away from me". She didn't listen. I still heard it. I don't know how I maneuvered as well as I did but as I slightly opened the door to turn on the porch light I turned and saw what was making the noise. Momma let it fall to my feet and I told her again, "get that thing away from me and keep it from getting in my house". I used the words gently and she did as told. I had to go back to the car to get my stuff out of it and I did so with speed. After I got in the house and shut the doors up tightly I looked out the window and Momma had brought her prize back up to the top step. It was no bigger than.....really, it was tiny. And gray. And had a long tail. And Momma was having the time of her life with it.

That's as scary as I want my night to be!

1 comment:

Sydni said...

Oh you poor girl! I'm not a mouse person, other than like Mickey.