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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Do You Ever???

Do you ever get to the point where you feel like you've gotten pulled away from everyone you know and suddenly you don't hear from them anymore or they are to busy with THEIR family and life to give you the time of day? Do you send off e-mails and get no returns? We all do, that's where I am now, again. And quite frankly I'm sick of it. I don't want to hear any more excuses, especially the one that goes, "just because you don't hear from me doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you". BOLOGNA. That might be the case, but if you've got the time to write that line, you've got the time to write something a bit more meaningful.

Even Facebook is getting boring. I can't take one more quiz. I'd come up with a worldwide solution to this problem but someone already's called, Communication. Go figure.

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