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Monday, July 13, 2009

Something I Miss

I just returned from a wonderful 90 minutes at Starbucks. Ok, I prefer my hometown cafe over the world renowned Starbucks, but I needed a change of scenery. Actually all the men that came in had wedding rings on so there wasn't much change in that scenery! :-) But I digress.

I do so miss letter writing. Taking the pen in hand and putting words down on some paper, then neatly folding it to put it into an envelope. A stamp in the corner an address on the front and stick it in a little slot and anxiously await a return! Those were the days. I blame the computer for my declining penmanship.

A pen pal of about 30 years broke my heart a few years ago when she said she wanted to stop writing but would still enjoy keeping touch via e-mail. That's ok but she didn't really keep up her end of the bargain. Now it's down to Christmas cards and birthday cards. And if I want to get an e-mail from her I have to send one off where I inquire, "are you still alive"?

Yes I am going to keep referring to myself as a phenominon.....I'm single, no responsibility except to that of my cat and I can go here, go there, do this, do that and yes....even set down and write a letter and not have to use the phrase....."I just don't have the time". People should envy me instead of the other way around!

I'm sure I'll step on toes with that phrase, but then again, I may be quiet, but I can tell it like it is with the written word. I love it. :-)

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