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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Have You Ever? Part 2 and another little thing.

I believe there is a difference between allowing and giving. God lets us go through trials and junk so that we are brought closer to Him ( hopefully). But I don't believe and never will and never have, that He gives us diseases and other crap in life. :-) A loving God, which He is, would never give something that would cause us harm. On a lighter note.......

Today I called a relative of mine an idiot because he is always 'harassing' his sister about there not being a God and I know he just does it to get her worked up. About five minutes later I regretted calling him an idiot and worried that it might get back to his mother, my sister in law. Then I thought, wait, we're all grown up adults here, I'm only calling it like I see it. ( like it is, but I digress ).

I watch to much "House"! Why do people do that to other people? Why do they insist on being jerks? Because....well I'll just keep my mouth shut. As mother used to say, "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all". My mom would really let her kids have it if she knew how they ..........well, again, my mouth is shut!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I very strongly agree with you on the fact that God does not hand out trials and tribulations and diseases, the Bible says there will be all those things but to take joy because He has overcome! God doesn't sit on the throne tossing bad things our way. He does sit on the throne and walk through with us through all our problems so that we will get closer to Him. Whoever on earth says he gives us disease and such doesn't know the same God that the rest of us do. Love your blog!!!!