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Friday, August 21, 2009

My Day by Shmoopie T.

Hi, it's me, Shmoopie. I thought I would hop on this thing and share a bit about myself. My official name is Miss Marple, but no one ever calls me that except those poor people at the vet's office. I'm 12 years old and yes, I'm slowing down a bit. I like to eat and sleep most of the time now. I do get up and wonder around the house, lay in the bathroom window when it's sunny out or when there is action out in the back yard to view. I have to laugh. For years every time my mom tried to get me into the carrier to go for my shots, it was a horrible situation for her. She would try and try and try and there were always tears and crying from both of us. She would have to cancel the appointment because I wouldn't cooperate. Cooperate?? I'm a cat, what's up with that?

Well, guess where I have been spending most of my days and nights now these past couple of weeks? Yep, in the carrier. She put carpet in there the last time I was supposed to go for my shot and catnip on the carpet got me in there faster than anything! So after all these years of the trouble I caused her, I am now WILLINGLY sleeping in my little carrier here on the porch. Of course she sits right next to me when shes on her computer. I'm a good cat, but I do kind of like teasing her with this.

Sometimes when she goes outside I get jealous because I know she's sitting with that outdoor cat, Marco. Marco seems to be rather nice. He knows he is well taken care of. She even fixed him up a little 'hut' for when the weather is bad and the winters get cold. His owners gave up on him, said he was always getting out of the house. If I were Marco I wouldn't want to be in a house with three kids, several adults and two pit bulls, would you? Marco is much safer hanging out here. He gets fed well and is a good protector of his turf. I know my mom wishes she could let him in the house but most likely I would not tolerate it.

Well I just wanted to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. Mom is going to the big city later on to visit her favorite place, the bookstore. I'm sure I'll just be lazy and enjoy the peace and quiet. I'm much like her in that aspect.

Best Meows,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I love it! Hello Shmoopie!